

On The Side: Cissy Loves To Bake

We all have loves we pursue in our down time. Studies have shown that having a hobby can do wonders for your mental and physical health, so, we’ve asked some of our favorite folks to share their passion projects and off-the-clock obsessions with us. Whether you dream of opening a restaurant one day or design jewelry in your spare time, we’re letting these on-the-side hobbies and habits take center stage.

Cissy Huang is an all-star employee at Pressed Juicery—she can answer any and all of your juice-related questions. But on the side, she is also an A+ baker who makes some of the tastiest cookies we’ve ever had!

On the side I bake yummy sweets. It STARTED when I moved to Beijing, China when I was thirteen. I found myself mildly suffering from cultural shock, feeling homesick for the San Francisco bay and turned to baking as a way to pass the time. Gathering ingredients became an epic journey, searching for that elusive container of baking soda, bottle of vanilla extract or bag of brown sugar. I learned to be resourceful and that there is always wiggle room within a recipe! It’s my passion because it is relaxing, cathartic, straightforward and not to mention delicious. I pursue my passion by  baking something new every week for my co-workers. If you want to check it out, try visiting tastespotting.com for recipes and ideas. The posts always inspire me to get into the kitchen.

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