

beyonce diet vegan diet

What Would Beyonce Do? Apparently, eat her veggies. The internet’s been buzzing about Beyoncé’s trainer Marco Borges and his 22-Days Vegan Challenge since Mr. and Mrs. Carter embarked upon the completely  plant-based program for three-plus weeks (with rave reviews by both). Built on the concept that it takes 21 days to change a habit, the premise is pretty simple: try eating a healthy vegan diet for 22 days and just see how you feel.

We’re all for more plants on your plate and less refined gunk. But what we love most about Borges’ challenge is that last part about “seeing how you feel.” It’s not about making a decision to change your ways permanently for ever and ever, and it’s definitely not about following a strict prescription. The 22-Days Challenge is about the thing we are most passionate about here at The Chalkboard: discovery. Trying something new, forming a healthy relationship with the food you eat, and taking stock in how it actually makes you feel.

Want to try the program out for yourself? Click here to get all the important deets – and be sure to pick up a copy of Borges’ book, The 22-Day Revolution (which has a foreward written by Beyonce herself. NBD). In the meantime, here are our top five #flawless takeaways from the program…because if it’s good enough for Queen Bey, it’s definitely good enough for us.

5 Ways To Eat Like Bey

Beyoncé Eats Throughout The Day.

The 22 Days Vegan Challenge includes a total of five meals: breakfast, lunch, a snack, dinner, and dessert. There’s no one “right” way or time to eat – but we love that this program provides sustained fuel throughout the day, a good rule of thumb to curb hangry hunger pangs.

Beyoncé Creates Lasting Lifestyle Habits.

If it takes 21 days to quit a habit, then 22 days gives your new ways extra sticking power – making them a part of your lifestyle instead of a flash-in-the-pan fad. Whether you’re amping up your exercise routine or cutting out refined sugars, stick it out for 21 days – then tack one extra on to make it part of your routine.

Beyoncé Focuses On Nutrients, Not Calories.

The meals in the 22-Days challenge are anywhere between 1,200 and 2,000 calories per day, packed with vitamins and minerals essential to repairing and enhancing the way your body functions. The calorie counts vary by the day and the meal options are customizable, emphasizing that it’s not the quantity that counts, but the quality. 

Beyoncé Goes Meatless.

You don’t have to proclaim yourself completely vegan in order to reap the benefits of Bey’s ways. Going plant-based for even a few days can help alkalize your body, heal your gut, boost your overall nutrition profile, and more – take a peek at our favorite vegan recipes here to get started.

Beyoncé Doesn't Deprive.

You didn’t think Beyoncé would be down with deprivation, did you? You can’t be flawless without treating yourself. Bey’s 22-Day Challenge trick was to splurge smart, indulging in midday snacks and dessert every day. Not only do small bites between meals keep you fueled, they prevent you from overindulging due to nagging cravings. Whether you’re noshing on nuts or taking a bite out of (healthy) cake-cake-cake, go on and mindfully treat yourself. Beyoncé says so.

Need that Kale sweatshirt Beyoncé is rocking? Snag it here!

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